Airlands The Salt and the Sea
The official lyric video for The Salt and the Sea by Airlands finds indistinct landscapes through reflections of both the mind and the sea.
Cast & Crew
Director & Editor / Karl Frederick Mattson
Music / The Salt and the Sea by Airlands
© 2017 Independent
Tech Specs
Released / 2018
Runtime / 3 min 46 sec
Aspect Ratio / 1.33:1
Format / Digital, VHS tape
Equipment / Canon T2i, RCA 4-Head Hi-Fi VCR VHS Player
Lens / Canon EF 50mm f/1.8
Custom / Inspired by the analog practices of the musician, footage from a digital video signal was deconstructed and physically altered during playback on a VHS player, and re-recorded back to a digital signal.
Kevin Calaba of Airlands
Annie Leue for trusting me with your VHS player
Athena Kolokotronis